Sunday 28 June 2015

Lord Bludveld

Oh, save us, Lord Bludveld
Arch foe of good
Herald of the Many Mouthed God
Our leaders grow feeble 
It's time for new blood 
And we think you're the chap for the job.

Unemployment is up
Tax revenues down
Our legislature a right shower
So we now seek the king
In Drac Mortef's crown
To appropriate executive power

Your siege of the troll-folk
The rape of Moongate
Has led us to the conclusion:
You slew the bone knight,
You're unlikely to break
When dealing with uppity Unions

We desire a leader,
A man's man who knows
How to kill a guy with his bare hands.
Who quaffs honeyed mead
from the skulls of his foes
When reviewing departmental plans

But first you've a rival
Who you'll have to best
who's running a rival campaign
But his spending's not credible,
Foreign policy? A mess! 
Russia will laugh at a leader called Wayne

So, please Dread Lord Bludveld
Doom of the black dwarves
We'd be honoured if you accepted this crown
You're a statesman, a scholar
And also, of course
You've the monopoly of violence locked down.


Random daftnesss. Huzzah! Will most likely return and edit the ever loving shit out of this so that it scans better at a later date. Also apologies for being about six years too late to the party in using what is possibly the most parodied image of the 21st century. Also, apologies to anybody named Wayne. Yours is a fine name that just so happened to fit in with the rhyme scheme I was working with

Love and fishes

Dave Denton

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