Monday 15 June 2015

Altruistic Bloviation Negation

Just doing an image dump this week as nothing of consequence has happened to me in the outer world while my once rich internal life has shrivelled to the point that it basically consists of me staring slack jawed at the wall and trying to figure out if I'm hungry or merely bored.

Still I did a title page/front cover for that Rag and Bone thing I am always bleating on about. I always feel - for want of a better word - sort of presumptuous making stuff like this, but the deed is done so might as well hoy it on here.

Also, here's another thing that I thingled. I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with it, although the background, even when taking into account the gratuitous use of gaussian blur (a favoured tool of the lazy and the scoundrelous) turned out far better than I thought it would 

Love and Fishes

Dave Denton

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