Sunday 9 August 2015

Whist Lads, Haad Yer Gobs

Another image for the Alice in Sunderland themed Zoetrope thing that I'm working on. I'm currently with struggling with how to get the bastard zoetrope thing to turn, however it has now occurred to me that I don't have to. All I need to do is get anyone observing it to run around the stationary images at a fast enough speed of 24 frames per second. This one conflating the Carrol poem Jabberwocky, with the North Eastern folk ballad The Lanbton Worm. For the record I'm far from being the first person in the world to make this link, so it's not like I'm just pullling it out me arse. The structure in the image is not the Acropolis but Penshaw monument, a Victorian folly that sits on a hill near Washington that the worm is meant to have wrapped itself around. Like all follies, the monument has never fulfilled any actual function beyond looking vaguely impressive and acting as a geographical point of reference when your a bit discombobulated. As I write this it occurs that I've never actually been up to see it, which I really should rectify at some point.

Spent yesterday building sandcastles on the beach. It should be noted at this point that I do not have or am in any way associated with any young children. The whole thing was done at the behest of my thirty something girlfriend, whose enthusiams for the whole thing didn't stop her insisting that I go on her behalf to purchase a (Mr Man themed) bucket and spade. Joke's on her though as my sandcastle was blatantly better than hers, mainly thanks to clever use of my Little Miss Sunshine sand rake to form a drawbridge. Scintillating stuff.

Love and Fishes

Dave Denton


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