The moon was shining on the sea,
Shining bright and white:
The walrus and the carpenter
Sat out in the moonlight
And this was very odd, because
it wasn't even night.
Carpenter licked his fingers clean,
And tossed an oyster shell
Now that their repast was now complete
His face, it suddenly fell.
Those oysters, they had trusted them,
And they'd not been treated well
"Walrus," he said, into his chest,
sniffing away a tear
"We did those shellfish a great wrong
that they can't forgive, I fear
As now they're stuck inside our guts,
Are we the bad guys here?"
Walrus's flipper reached behind
And gave his back a pat
"My joiner friend, there is no need
To feel like you're a rat.
We were hungry. They taste good.
And that's the end of that."
He lifted up the chippy's chin
and looked into his eyes
"Don't be sad', the Walrus breathed
And to Carpenter's surpise,
Butterflies swirled inside his tum
and something began to rise
His face and loins were burning hot,
Carpenter suddenly knew
That oysters are aphrodisiacs
And he'd had thirty two
He put his mouth to Walrus's
At which point things got blue.
I'll spare you the gory details
of all things done and said
For walrus/man love is not a thing
you want inside your head
Though I believe you can find such things
Out there on the web.
They lay there panting, side by side
After the deed was done,
For sex is hard when your new lover
Outweighs you by a tonne
But thanks to lube and harnesses
They'd had a lot of fun.
"I can't believe that happened,"
Carpenter happily sighed
"But I'm glad it did as now it means,
I've no reason now to hide
That I love an Artic mammal."
"That's great," the Walrus lied
You see, what he was thinking,
But didn't want to say,
Was that he felt himself a player.
Monogamy? No way!
He'd just hoped to scratch an itch,
And get his end away.
"Oh Wally," said the Carpenter,
"I think that you're the one.
Do you think our parents will understand?"
But answer came there none-
And this was scarcely odd, because
That fucker, he had gone.
With all due apologies to the estate of Lewis Carroll. This is apparently what I do with my spare time.
Love and Fishes
Dave Denton
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