Apologies about the lack of an update. I'm currently on trying to set up a proper, grown up website for the various bits and bobs of creative detritus that I've uploaded here as, if I'm honest, Blogger is not a particularly good platform for displaying images. Unfortunately, as the north east of England's techno-weenie in chief this is taking rather longer than I anticipated, by which I mean I've spent the last two hours trying and failing to get an image to display on an otherwise empty screen. Friends and well-wishers assure me that technology has now progressed to a point where tasks such as setting up a website are basically idiot proof. This leads me to the somewhat discomfitting conclusion that I exist on a level somewhere below idiot and should not be let out of the house without adult supervision.
Intellectually I know that throwing my computer out of the window and sobbing like a child will do nothing to further my goals, but on a gut level this feels very right. I shall keep you updated whether head or heart wins; in the case of the former by means of this blog, if the latter, by means of shouting git loud off somewhere high.
As and when I get the fucker working you can get your peruse on at www.talesoftheboxingnun.com (link not currently working because of cours
e it fucking doesn't you worthless piece of shit I swear if you were a man I would straight up kick you in the bastard throat scrattumfrattum......). In the interim here's a picture of a boxing nun, because that is the thing what the thing is named after
Pictured above: Art |
In other news, the precious moments I've been away from my computer screen have been spent wheezing my way around the Tyne and Wear metropolitan area as I'm currently in training for the Sunderland City 10K. As is customary with these things you can sponsor me by clicking the following
link, all donations will be going towards the UK charity Shelter
Love and Fishes
Dave Denton
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