Sunday 28 September 2014

I Am But a Man

Just a quick post made mainly out of a sense of obligation. Had very many admirable intentions this week, but these have been rendered obsolete by the betrayal of my own body as I once again succumbed to the poorly ills. I am currently rolling around, clutching my head and expunging various fluids, while those around me roll their eyes and tell me, please - just once in my life - nut the fuck up and stop being such a wimp.

Not that I've not done owt.  Of course I have. I lead an exciting and glamorous life. I've been out socialising, failing to break into hospitals and worrying sheep, because that, dear reader, is how I roll. I've also had many deep and important thoughts about how to restore legitimacy to goverment in an era of declining political participation, why it is that cows look forward to getting milked and made the absolutely hilarious observation that ISIS is both the name of a nihlistic jihadi death cult and the name of the spy agency in chucklesome American animation Archer. It's just that I currently lack the energy to write about any of this.

I also fully intended to add another page to Rag and Bone, but due to my mortal frailty managed to complete a single panel (above). I know. You're devastated. But be patient and more will follow. In the interim I'm off to find my enemies and sneeze on them

Love and Fishes

Dave Denton

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