Sunday 17 August 2014

Rag and Bone

Awfully big words for a dude with balls on his chin.
what a cloaca

Just a quick image dump as I used up all my big words earlier in the week with the Split review thingy. Above is a joke taken from the back of a lollipop stick and below is latest strip doo-dah, now with the provisional working title of Rag and Bone (Whaddya mean 'that's awful'. You're awful). At some point I'll set up a separate page so that pages can be viewed in sequence without pissing about scrolling through blog archives.

Should be away on a stag do next weekend. Don't know what's happening yet. Maybe's a few pints down the town, maybes hunting the most dangerous game of all (Man. Or crocogators). Either way, the groom's getting something rude felt tipped on his face

Love and Fishes

Dave Denton

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